Everything that sets us back into the slow circles of nature, is a help
— May Sarton


The core tenet of my work is the belief that our lives are a continuous and cyclical lesson in deepening to our truest most authentic nature. This authentic “nature” is clearer the more we connect to the rhythms of the natural world around us. The deeper we go towards our natural state, the higher we can simultaneously ascend.

A native Floridian, I began meditating at a hippie Florida church thirty years ago. From there I completed the José Silva Mind Control Meditation course, and this method formed the foundation for all of my further studies, from Reiki and Hypnosis to Geomancy and the Tarot.

I attended Bowdoin College, then did graduate studies in Middle Eastern Anthropology at Harvard University. While there, I focused largely on religion and symbology–feeding a fascination with symbols, from ancient languages to religion to everyday mythology. Symbols not only have served in communication between humans since the dawn of time, they also serve to communicate between our subconscious and conscious minds, and between our hidden desires and the 3D world around us. Symbols are ubiquitous and if we harness them correctly then we have a powerful tool for manifestation.

For the last decade, I have more deeply studied several energetic healing modalities. As a Reiki Master and certified clinical Hypnotherapist, I am able to quickly identify and empathize with your particular pain points and blockages, helping you clear and release these “hidden roadblocks”. I add to this an understanding of the deeper clues of your birth chart, and the messages of the Tarot. I am also trained and practiced in Geomancy and Flying Star Feng Shui, Past-life Hypnosis, reading the Akashic Records, Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), TIME techniques, and EFT.

My extensive astrology studies help to understand the larger universal cycles at play within our lives. Through my work in Classical Flying Star Feng Shui and Geomancy, I have become convinced that our lives are simply a study in connecting back to the natural rhythms of nature. Astrology and Tarot, Meditation, Reiki and Hypnosis—these are all tools to lead us home to our soul’s core state of alignment with the natural world.

You truly can change your life just by changing your energy.