Change your energy, Change your life


In these sessions, we use a blend of energy healing modalities to work through any mental, physical or energetic blocks you are experiencing. We open each session with a tarot reading, to allow any messages or guidance from your spirit team to come through. We then move into a guided hypnosis and integrative Reiki Energy healing session.

I call this “Reiki-infused hypnosis” because they blend the energy healing of traditional Reiki, with the guided meditations of hypnosis that speak right to your subconscious mind. This allows you to release old stories, heal destructive patterns, and re-write your life blueprint…all while getting a full body energy healing.

This is re-wiring your subconscious system while clearing and resetting your energy field, all at once.

These hypnosis and Reiki-led Energy Healing Sessions can used in so many ways, including but not limited to:

connect with and meet your spirit guides

heal financial patterns and learn to receive

heal chronic health issues

improve athletic performance

quit addictions for good

heal relationships patterns

heal from narcissistic abuse

activate past life regressions

unlock fears, phobias, anxiety, depression

sleep disorders

🧿This is booked as a single session. The first session is 75 minutes. Any additional sessions are 60 minutes and can be purchased at a discounted package price. Please note that the healing will begin as soon as you book. Energy operates in the quantum field and is not limited by time or place. You may feel a shift upon booking. Plan to drink a lot of water in the several days after an energy healing session, and know that physical tiredness or other mild symptoms may occur. This is your physical body adjusting to its new energetic state.

  • In my energy healings, I draw upon classical Reiki teachings as well as other integrative energy modalities that I have studied. I use energetic chakra alignment practices that work on all levels of our energy fields, from our aura and chakras to our physical bodies themselves. This energy healing works on a cellular level, bringing light to every individual cell.

    This is multi-level healing that brings coherence and harmony to the physical, mental and spiritual planes. This healing modality unblocks any stuck or stagnant energy and stress points in the body, from your individual cells to your chakras, recharging and clearing your entire energy body of any blocks or old energy.

    Many of these energetic blocks have been with us for years. We all have them. Mentally or emotionally we may have moved on from a situation or person, but energetically we are carrying around the imprint of events that happened years earlier. Energy work helps clear our auric field back to alignment and emotional and spiritual wholeness. My first energy teacher described us as having “pictures” stuck in our aura and our chakras. These pictures can be from past events, our own assumptions, and even other peoples’ beliefs about us. Energetically, these blockages and old energy can have us stuck in old cycles, feeling depressed, anxious and emotionally exhausted.

    Clearing this out is actually a shockingly simple process, and it allows us to move forward in our lives feeling so much lighter.

    Change your energy, change your life. It gets to be that simple.

    When truly nothing else seems to work and you swear you have tried everything…this is when you know it is the subconscious mind that needs a shift. Luckily that is fairly easy to do through hypnosis, especially when we add in clearing and support in the energy body.

    In hypnosis—which is really just a fancy word for guided meditaition—we take you out of the Beta state, which is the everyday “monkey mind” and into the Alpha and Theta states. While you are in these brain wave states, your subconscious mind is in the lead while your conscious mind is still and observing. We are able to explore where your programming came from (early childhood, the womb, past lives) and replace it with new programming that will allow you to function almost as a new person. This is how hypnosis has such overwhelming success with addiction, patterns of abuse and victimhood, deep trauma, money and relationship issues. Even physical health.



I describe my Feng Shui process as “hypnosis for your home”, with some Reiki clearing and protective alignments sprinkled on top.

Our homes are energetic extensions of ourselves, so when our own energy feels off, there will almost always be physical manifestations of this in our bodies and our homes. When our lives feel off, this is reflected in our home.

No matter what the situation or the block entails—whether it is relational, financial, health-related, or to do with your career or reputation—it is reflected in our homes. And how we energetically clear and arrange our homes is in turn reflected back to us in all of these same areas of life. So if we want to make more money, for example, we can start in our own internal energy system (I like to start with the root chakra) and we can start in the physical home that is around us. Just like the root chakra in our energy body governs our ability to hold wealth, there is an area of your physical home that corresponds to your ability to receive, generate, and hold money. And the same goes for every part of our lives.

This is a two week process in which I align the energy in your home using energetic Reiki clearings and Classical Flying Star Feng Shui. I also use Geomancy practices to energetically align with the earth’s energy grid that is connecting the home—and you—to the land. We clear any old stagnant energy that can be left from previous cycles of life or previous inhabitants. I begin with a compass reading and by checking the energy of the space and the property. From there, I develop a Feng Shui map of the home with personalized recommendations for every inhabitant, including lucky colors, best sleep positions, and more. I also give recommendations for elements to add to different parts of the home in order to increase the positive energy flow and optimize the space for whatever your top goals may be.

You will receive a 4-6 page report with all areas of your home mapped out, corresponding elements and energetic enhancements that will be useful in shifting you into a more aligned space and putting you on a path forward. This includes personalized recommendations for each family member. The Chinese Feng Shui system connects strongly with ancient astrology, so by using the birthday of each inhabitant I am able to optimize their unique experiences in the home.

Together we will perfectly clear and align your home or business to fast track you to your goals within a peaceful and uplifting environment.